Corporate Governance


Improving climate action through circularity and waste management

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Improving Climate Action Through Circularity and Waste Management: Understanding IOI’s 7Rs Approach


In this case study, integrated palm oil player IOI Corporation Berhad explains its holistic approach towards waste management and how it is rooted in the company’s commitment to circularity as a pathway towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2040.

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National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS): Navigating Anti-Graft Strategies for Public-Listed Companies


Corruption remains a significant challenge in Malaysia, undermining public trust, economic development, and corporate integrity.

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Beyond Compliance: Nurturing a Company Culture that Values Corporate Integrity


Anti-fraud, bribery and corruption frameworks, whistleblowing policies, and regular corruption risk assessments are crucial components of a strong corruption risk management programme.

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Addressing the Twin Threats of Bribery and Corruption: Corruption Risk Assessments as a Basis for Action


Addressing the Twin Threats of Bribery and Corruption: Corruption Risk Assessments as a Basis for Action

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Navigating Corporate Liability – Why Upholding Integrity Standards is Crucial to Malaysian Companies


Maintaining corporate integrity and prioritising ethical business practices are increasingly becoming an unwavering stance for firms doing business throughout the world and their clientele.

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Executive Compensation Can Be an Effective Lever for Corporate Climate Action


Linking executive compensation to a company’s climate-related goals is an important catalyst for corporate climate action

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Malaysian Boards & Senior Management Remuneration Practices Report : Executive Report


A collaboration between Bursa Malaysia Berhad, The Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (ICDM) and WTW - this Executive Report contains a brief overview of the findings and insights from the Boards & Senior Management Remuneration Practices

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Managing Fraud and Bribery Risks Across Corporate Functions


Incidents of fraud and bribery pose significant threats to the integrity and reputation of organisations in Malaysia. To combat these risks, companies must implement robust risk management strategies across all corporate functions.

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Protecting the Grid : How Boards in Malaysia’s National Interest Sectors are Pushing for Cybersecurity Safeguards


Key infrastructures providing essential needs like water, electricity, transportation and telecommunications to millions of individuals, homes, and businesses are reliant on highly interconnected systems, thus making them potentially more vulnerable to cyber crime.

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Blowing the Whistle – Best Practices for Strengthening Corporate Integrity Disclosures


In recent years, Malaysia-listed companies have shown notable improvements in their corporate integrity disclosures,

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Explainer: What is Climate Risk Disclosure?


Investors are starting to feel the effects of climate change in an unexpected place – their financial returns. For this reason, there are now growing calls within the business community to improve the quality and coverage of climate risk disclosure.

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Managing Third Party Integrity Risks


Many businesses depend on third parties for a variety of valuable services. These include helping to source parts and supplies, marketing and selling products in specific territories, obtaining business licences, and operating call centres.

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Board and Senior Management Remuneration Practices in Malaysia : Key Insights


Bursa Malaysia in collaboration with the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia ("ICDM") and WTW brings initial key insights from the recent survey on Board and Senior Management Remuneration Practices of PLCs listed on Bursa Malaysia.

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‘Fit and Proper’ : How Boards Should Justify and Disclose Director Appointment and Re-Election Decisions with the Enhanced Listing Requirements


‘Fit and Proper’ : How Boards Should Justify and Disclose Director Appointment and Re-Election Decisions with the Enhanced Listing Requirements

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Your Transformation Initiatives Might Be Impeded by a Passive Risk Culture


Five thoughtful actions for boards to lay the groundwork for a robust, forward-looking approach to risks that support companies’ aspiration to innovate, digitalise and drive sustainability.

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Making Sustainability Profitable Through Business Model Innovation


Pursuing sustainability can benefit the bottom line but most companies are struggling to achieve it. The key is transformative business model innovation. And boards can help set that in motion.

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Five Things Board of Directors Need to Know to Get Digital Transformation Right


ASEAN companies have achieved some success by embracing digitalisation. But most have not fully benefited from the transformative potential of being a digitally mature organisation. And boards can fix that.

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How to Set Up Effective Climate Governance on Corporate Boards


The World Economic Forum: Climate change is a complex and inherently systemic issue making it an extremely difficult risk and opportunity to manage.

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Five Ways Boards Can Successfully Adopt the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (MCCG) 2021


Complying with the MCCG does not have to and should not be a box-ticking exercise. If you can internalise the Code, you will find it to be a powerful guiding force for companies to thrive well into the future.

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Tax Governance Guide

External Report

The objective of this document is to provide guidance to the directors of listed issuers in reporting the management of tax matters affecting the corporations in their annual reports. This guidance aims to enhance the tax transparency of the listed issuers.

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MACC Act Section 17A Adequate Procedures Best Practice Handbook

External Report

This new handbook features the experience of specialists directly involved in setting up and running anti-corruption systems for Malaysian companies.

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SC updates the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance to Promote Board Leadership and Oversight of Sustainability


The 2021 update sees the introduction of new best practices and further guidance to strengthen the corporate governance culture of listed companies.

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Business Case For Board Diversity: Correlation To Company Performance

External Report

Why we should expand the definition of board diversity beyond just gender to cover board independence, as well as age, tenure, culture and expertise.

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Virtual Board Meetings: In an Era of Social Distancing Boards


How can companies successfully navigate the waters of online meetings while preserving good governance?

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Hearing From Digi: Reaping the Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion

Case Study

What are the tangible benefits of a focus on diversity and inclusion? We hear from Digi, a D&I leader, to learn from their experience.

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Corporate Governance Trends to Watch in 2021


What are the key global trends in corporate governance companies can anticipate in 2021?

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Four Practical Ways Board Can Oversee Risk Management Beyond Covid-19


Leading directors offer their insights into why COVID-19 requires a new attitude toward board risk oversight.

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Most Worrisome Risks for Companies in the Post-COVID World and What Companies Can Do to Remain Resilient


What are the emerging post-COVID 19 risks companies need to proactively protect themselves from?

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Effectiveness of Internal Audit Function: Thematic Review Findings and Key Takeaways


How well are Internal Audit functions in companies performing? A study by Bursa Malaysia assessing selected PLCs against 7 criteria reveals some insights.

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Speak Up Against Corruption: Employees Handbook for SMEs

External Report

Published by Transparency International Malaysia, this practical guide available in English, Malay and Mandarin educates SME employees to identify common types of corruption at the workplace.

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Practical Steps to Address Section 17A


The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (MACC Act) Amendment section 17A introduces corporate liability and makes an organisation’s management potentially personally liable for any corrupt acts committed by their staff

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Corporate Liability Provision (Section 17A) – Getting Corporate Malaysia Ready


As Malaysian companies prepare for the new Corporate Liability Provision to kick in from June 2020, Dr Muhammad Mohan, President of Transparency International Malaysia.

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ASEAN Companies With More Women on Boards Deliver Better Results

External Report

According to IFC study of 6 ASEAN countries, boards with at least 30% women report a 1.4% higher return on assets

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CG Watch 2018: Hard Decisions

External Report

Malaysia was the biggest gainer in a latest regional report on corporate governance, reflecting concrete steps taken to tackle corruption.

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Embedding Ethical Values


How a structured approach to promoting ethical culture is crucial to ensure that the right culture permeates to the rest of the organisation.

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Learning from Digi’s Approach to Business Integrity and Anti-corruption

Case Study

This case study features Digi’s approach to business integrity and anti-corruption - how did they become one of the top performers in ASEAN, as highlighted in a 2018 study?

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How Boards Can Take Responsibility for Cyber Security


This article challenges Boards to consider what steps they should be taking to protect their companies against cyber attacks - one of the top 5 threats facing Asia today.

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Systems Rule: How Board Governance can Drive Sustainability Performance

External Report

This report aims to provide key insights into the elements that lead to effective board governance for sustainability.

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MCCG – The Reporting Expectations

External Report

This is an overview of the CARE approach, with a focus on the reporting expectations on the adoption of the MCCG. It includes sharing of the rationale behind the introduction of the CG Overview Statement, the CG Report and the factors that companies should consider when making these disclosures.

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Why Board Diversity Matters


Why is a diverse board a more effective one? Join opinion leaders Sunita Rajakumar and Johan Raslan, as they share their perspectives on why a diverse board can make a real positive impact on business performance.

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Boards and Stewardship


Create long-term value by progressing to value-based governance. A look at companies such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon (GAFAs) who have accomplished this.

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Introduction to the Integrated Reporting Framework


An introductory video on the drivers for integrated reporting and how it helps to achieve financial stability, sustainable development and improved dialogue with investors.

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Integrated Reporting: Value to the Board

External Report

Covers the value of Integrated Reporting <IR> to the board, from building trust and reputation to supporting decision making.

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Evaluating Board Effectiveness

Case Study

Board evaluation is an important pillar of good governance. Read about approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of boards

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The Future of Corporate Governance


Explore the developments and trends shaping the future of corporate governance globally in 2018.

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The Cost of Poor Corporate Governance

Case Study

Consider three case studies that prove poor corporate governance may be far costlier than you think.

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Global Trends in Corporate Governance


Emerging corporate governance trends that boards and management teams should pay attention to as they unfold throughout 2018 and beyond.

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