Board and Senior Management Remuneration Practices in Malaysia : Key Insights

Corporate Governance

Board and Senior Management Remuneration Practices in Malaysia : Key Insights

  • Board and Senior Management Remuneration Practices in Malaysia : Key Insights Bursa Malaysia in collaboration with the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia ("ICDM") and WTW brings initial key insights from the recent survey on Board and Senior Management Remuneration Practices of PLCs listed on Bursa Malaysia.
  • Date: Dec 01, 2022
  • Category: Corporate Governance
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Bursa Malaysia in collaboration with the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia ("ICDM") and WTW brings initial key insights from the recent survey on Board and Senior Management Remuneration Practices of PLCs listed on Bursa Malaysia.

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  • Tags : Corporate Governance, Board, Senior Management, Remuneration

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