Responsible Investment


Addressing the Knowledge Gap in Advancing Sustainable and Responsible Investment

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Addressing the Knowledge Gap in Advancing Sustainable and Responsible Investment


As the global focus on sustainability intensifies, the financial sector is pivotal in steering capital towards sustainable and responsible investments.

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Asean Taxonomy Version 2: An Overview of the Coal Phase-Out Framework


The Asean Taxonomy Board recently released Version 2 of its taxonomy for sustainable finance, which includes technical screening criteria for the energy sector

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Improving Shareholder Engagement: New and Evolving Mechanisms to Foster Participation and Inclusion at General Meetings


This article looks at how the boards of public listed companies can structure their communication and engagement with shareholders, especially in a post-pandemic world where virtual and hybrid meetings have become the norm and are increasingly

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ASEAN Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance (Version 1) by ASEAN Sectoral Bodies

External Report

Version 1 of the ASEAN Taxonomy provide a framework for discussions with official sector and private sector stakeholders to work together on the development of the ASEAN Taxonomy.

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How Asian Investors are Changing their Sentiments on ESG Investing

Case Study

Investors are embracing the need to consider broader impacts that investments have on society and the environment as a whole.

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What's the Difference Between Islamic Finance and Sustainable Finance?


Demystifying the key differences and nexus between the 2 concepts

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What's the Difference Between Islamic Finance and Sustainable Finance?


Demystifying the key differences and nexus between the 2 concepts

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Bank Negara Malaysia Releases Climate Change and Principle-based Taxonomy

External Report

The guidance document helps financial institutions adopt measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation

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Islamic Finance, ESG Integration and the SDGs: New Opportunities


What are the opportunities to develop new ESG and SDG-aligned Islamic finance products?

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Cutting Through ESG Jargon


Want to be a responsible investor? Step one, learn how to cut through the jargon

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How Institutional Investors Determine their ESG Integration Strategies


Global survey revealing insights from close to 350 institutional investors in 16 countries

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2020: The Year Sustainable Islamic Finance Scales?


7 reasons why 2020 could be the year Islamic finance scales, with Malaysia as one of the key players benefiting.

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Which ESG Ratings Should Companies Benchmark Their Practices Against?


What are the top 10 ESG ratings out there, according to sustainability professionals?

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Driving ESG Investing in Asia – The Imperative for Growth

External Report

An overview of ESG investing in Asia and tips on how investors can increase their ESG investing efforts.

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Comparing Banks in ASEAN: How Well Do They Perform on Responsible Banking?

External Report

How well do the top 34 banks in ASEAN perform in terms of corporate governance and ESG integration?

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Responsible Investing: Looking for New Ways to Invest in Social Enterprises


Responsible Investing: Looking for new ways to invest in social enterprises

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Integrating Climate Change into Investment Strategy: A Guide for Investors

External Report

This guide aims to support Asia-based institutional investors (asset owners and managers) on the subject of climate change and to highlight and explore areas of international best practice.

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The Truth About Sustainability Investing: Fact-checking Nine Common Ideas

External Report

Interest in sustainability investing has picked up massively in recent years, and with the growing interest has come a growing misconception of what people think it means.

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Investor Perspectives on Sustainability: How can Companies Better Engage Investors on ESG Performance?


This webcast highlights perspectives on how companies can improve their sustainability disclosures to investors. Listen to our guest speakers Gladys Chua and Benjamin McCarron, who share their expert opinions.

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Guidelines on Sustainable and Responsible Investment Funds


Guidelines by the Securities Commission Malaysia: A go-to manual for market funds seeking to qualify as a sustainable and responsible investment fund.

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Responsible Finance: Malaysia Leads the Way with New Guidelines


The Guidelines on Sustainable and Responsible Investment issued by the Securities Commision Malaysia to promote the growth of such funds in Malaysia.

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At the Intersection of Islamic Finance and Responsible Investment


Responsible investing is gaining traction among Islamic investors. The UN Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) looks at the similarities and differences between responsible investment and Islamic finance.

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Does Responsible Investment Drive Long Term Returns?

Case Study

This article sheds light on proof that responsible investment is not to the detriment of returns, but in fact one which creates long-term financial returns for investors.

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Introduction to Responsible Investment


Mainstream investors increasingly see the value of measuring companies ESG performance. This article explores the reasons for the rapid growth of assets managed under responsible investment strategies.

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The Responsible Investment Spectrum


Various levels of commitment are required for responsible investment. This helps investors understand the different approaches to responsible investment and the most important commonalities and differences between them.

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