At the Intersection of Islamic Finance and Responsible Investment

Responsible Investment

At the Intersection of Islamic Finance and Responsible Investment

  • At the Intersection of Islamic Finance and Responsible Investment Responsible investing is gaining traction among Islamic investors. The UN Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) looks at the similarities and differences between responsible investment and Islamic finance.
  • Date: Jan 31, 2018
  • Category: Responsible Investment

About the Report:

Responsible investing is gaining traction among islamic investors - almost half of the signatories in OIC (Organization of Islamic Countries) have joined the UN Principles of Responsible Investment in the last three years. As part of its mission to develop an economically efficient, sustainable global financial system, this PRI report explores the similarities and differences between responsible investment and islamic finance.

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Published by

UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI)

  • Tags : Responsible Investment, Islamic Finance, UN PRI, Principles, ESG, Investors.

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