CEO's Thoughts


Caring for Employees' Financial Well-being

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Caring for Employees' Financial Well-being


Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift shares his views on how companies can help to support the financial wellbeing of their employees.

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Part 3 – Driving a Socially Sustainable Business


Across the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted deep rooted challenges in our work environment and broader society. It has exposed a number of fragilities and long-standing systemic problems that have afflicted our society for years.

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Part 2 – Ensuring a Just Transition


In the popular X-Men cinematic universe, Juggernaut is a formidable character whose momentum is impossible to stop – reminding me of the net zero carbon movement. To-date, more than 130 countries and an increasing number of companies have announced net zero or carbon neutral pledges.

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Part 1 – Building Human Capital to Drive Corporate Sustainability


According to Investopedia, the term human capital refers to the economic value of an employee’s collective experience and skills. It is an intangible asset and cannot be accounted for on a company’s balance sheet.

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Why ESG Risks Matter For Businesses


You have probably heard the popular maxim, “Change is the only constant in life”, widely attributed to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus.

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How Can Technological Innovations Drive Sustainability?


Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift, CEO of Bursa Malaysia, shares his thoughts on how technological innovation brings impetus to a sustainable future and what this means for business, investors, and the exchange.

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Climate Change: Why Is It Important For Business?


Our CEO, Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift shares his opinions on emerging sustainability issues via this dedicated column...

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