

Sustainable Bonds and Sukuk

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Sustainable Bonds and Sukuk


As Malaysia strives to meets its net zero targets, trillions od Ringgit in climate finance are needed to fund application, mitigation, and transition activities.

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Practicing Human Rights Due Diligence in the Palm Oil Industry


Practicing Human Rights Due Diligence in the Palm Oil Industry

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Understanding the Voluntary Carbon Market Landscape


Understanding the Voluntary Carbon Market Landscape

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Disclosure to Decarbonisation: Bursa Malaysia's Push for Climate Action by Companies


As nations around the globe make long term climate commitments, and with Malaysia aspiring to have net-zero GHG emissions by as early as 2050,

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From Red to Green: Energy Infrastructure Company Yinson’s Diversification Into Renewables and Climate Technology


The oil and gas industry, as the largest contributor to climate change alongside coal, faces immense pressure in a changing energy economy.

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An Investor's Guide to Voluntary Carbon Markets: Navigating Bursa Carbon Exchange


As governments and organisations race to net zero, the voluntary carbon market (VCM) has emerged as a crucial tool to spur climate action and allow firms to account for hard-to-abate emissions by supporting emissions avoidance,

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Bracing for Climate Realities: How ESG is Influencing Insurers’ Strategies in Malaysia


Due to its role as a risk manager, insurer and investor, the insurance industry plays an important role in ensuring the successful transition to a low carbon economy and fighting climate change.

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How Can Malaysia’s Businesses Better Integrate Nature-Related Risks into their Decision-Making


Malaysia, a biodiversity hotspot, has many economic activities that are directly or indirectly dependent on nature and its services.

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Understanding the Voluntary Carbon Exchange Landscape


Voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) have seen rapid growth in the last decade as carbon offsets became an important part of climate strategies across the globe.

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Driving Sustainability: How Public Listed Companies in the Logistics Sector Are Getting Buy-in for Their ESG Initiatives


To continue participating in the global supply chain, Malaysian logistics companies increasingly need to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) best practices into their business operations. However, such initiatives are deemed costly to imp

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What Does The New TCFD-Aligned Guidelines For Climate Risk Disclosure And Management Mean For Malaysia’s Businesses?


Climate change is posing new challenges to central banks and regulators whose main mandate is to ensure systemic financial stability.

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Closing the Loop: Ocean Bound Plastic-certified Heng Hiap Industries’ Circular Business Model


The circular economy concept, with a focus on turning waste into resources and extending the life of products and materials, is now increasingly seen as an emerging paradigm for companies that want to promote sustainable growth.

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Lowering the Barriers to ESG Reporting With Technology


As the pace of innovation accelerates, technology will play a critical role in enabling businesses to realise their sustainability goals.

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Sustainability Counts


Understanding sustainability reporting requirements across Asia Pacific and insights on the journey to date May 2022

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Bursa Malaysia Sustainability Disclosure Review 2021: Key Observations & Recommendations


Bursa Malaysia (“the Exchange”) has been undertaking annual sustainability disclosure reviews (“SDR”) of sustainability statements or reports of public listed companies (“PLCs”) on a sampling basis since 2017

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Sustainability Reporting: 10 Questions Boards Should Know the Answers To


Many boards of directors are either currently or will very soon be required to drive the strategic direction that entities take in meeting their sustainability reporting requirements.

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(IPCC Report 2022) Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability


Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce the risks.

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The Sustainability Reporting Matrix: An Example of How to Design Your Company's Sustainability Report


The Sustainability Reporting Matrix: An Example of How to Design Your Company''s Sustainability Report

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What is the Natural Capital Approach?


Is it just another new term in the ever-growing sustainability dictionary?

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The Case of Sunway: Getting to Net Zero by 2050

Case Study

From setting an internal carbon price to R&D in carbon storage and capture, we hear about how Sunway plans to meet its ambitious targets

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Speaking to UNGC Malaysia: What’s Next for Malaysian Companies after COP26?


COP26, which concluded in Gasgow on 13 November 2021, led to the creation of a new global agreement – the Glasgow Climate Pact.

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<2°C Futures: 2040 worlds to stay below two degrees warming


What are the 2040 trajectories we need to take to stay below two degrees of warming above pre-industrial levels?

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COP26 and Beyond: Taking Stock of the Race to Zero


What specific actions do we need to take to achieve the COP26 outcomes?

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Fair Recruitment: Intel’s Experience in Malaysia

Case Study

What can we learn from Intel’s experience on ensuring fair recruitment for workers among its Malaysian suppliers?

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Fair Recruitment: What Malaysian Employers Should Take Note Of


Supply chains are a highly complex web of business and trading relationships spread across numerous countries

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RHB ESG Thematic Conference: When Shariah Meets ESG


The RHB ESG Thematic Conference “When Shariah Meets ESG” focused on ‘Convergence’, providing industry experts and selected investors a platform to share knowledge on the integration of Environment, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) investing into Shariah funds.

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Charting a Carbon Neutral Future - Challenges and Opportunities for Malaysian Corporates


Malaysia''s progress thus far, why companies should set carbon targets, and how to get started

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Engaging Employees in Malaysia Through Flexible Work Arrangements


Engaging Employees in Malaysia Through Flexible Work Arrangements

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A Guide For Malaysian Businesses For Positive Climate Action


The objectives of the Guide are to strengthen the business case for corporations to embark on a Low Carbon/Net Zero pathway.

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SSE Climate Disclosure: Making Markets Climate Resilient and Model Guidance on Climate Disclosure

External Report

New guidance by the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative to mainstream sustainable finance among issuers worldwide

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TCFD – Climate Scenario Analysis (Part 2)


Deep dive on physical and transition scenario analysis

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Integrated Reporting in ASEAN


Even as <IR> is gaining traction in various jurisdictions around the world, its adoption in ASEAN is still limited mostly to larger companies in selected jurisdictions such as Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines.

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How Integrated Thinking Can Support Boards in Creating Long-term Value


A collaboration between the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (ICDM), this Virtual Talk discussed the development of corporate reporting around the world and the material impacts on corporate reporting in Malaysia in the years ahead.

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Guide to Sustainable Business

External Report

UN Global Compact (UNGC) Malaysia, with the support of Sarawak Energy, has launched a microsite with a series of toolkits aimed at helping companies improve their understanding and adoption of sustainability practices.

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TCFD – Where We’re at Now and How to Get Started (Part 1)


A webcast introducing the Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and how companies can get started on implementing them.

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Integrating SDGs into Sustainability Reporting

External Report

A three-step guide to embed the SDGs in existing business and reporting processes.

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A Practical Guide to Sustainability Reporting Using GRI and SASB Standards

External Report

Features the experiences of companies that use both standards together to fulfil their reporting needs

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Introduction to Setting Science Based Targets


Learn the why, what and how of SBTI in 15 min, along with some examples from Malaysian companies

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The Future of the Chief Sustainability Officer

External Report

The role of the CSO may gain prominence over the next 2 years. What is its evolving role?

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Business and Human Rights in Malaysia: Costs of Inaction and Starting Points for Malaysian Companies


Businesses - including those in Malaysia - have come under growing scrutiny on their approach to labour management. What are the costs of inaction and what are the starting points for Malaysian companies?

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Bursa Malaysia Sustainability Disclosure Review 2020: Key Observations & Recommendations


A review of 300 PLCs show average compliance levels of 93% and quality scores of 68%.

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Top 10 Business and Human Rights Issues for 2021

External Report

From theft of migrant workers՚ wages to uncertainties about the future workplace, this year՚s top 10 round up reflects the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 in society.

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Climate Change Boardroom Toolkit

External Report

How does ChapterZero՚s climate change boardroom toolkit help non-executive directors ensure their businesses have the strategic plans in place to respond to climate change?

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IIRC Publishes Revised ˂IR˃ Framework

External Report

The IIRC published revisions to the <IR> Framework in January 2021 to enable more decision-useful reporting. The revisions, the first since the <IR> Framework was originally published in 2013

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Bursa Malaysia: Sustainability Agenda a Key Lesson From the Pandemic


In this article, we have interviewed Bursa Malaysia CEO Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift and Helena Fung, FTSE Russell’s head of sustainable investment for Asia-Pacific, to talk about how FTSE Russell, a pioneer in sustainable investment, works together with Bursa Malaysia to build a resilient ecosystem.

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How Is the Sustainability Reporting Landscape Changing?


2020 saw various announcements by global reporting frameworks. What should Malaysian companies pay most attention to?

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Monitoring the 'Dynamic Materiality' of ESG matters


Why is dynamic materiality important and what are the latest tools available to help companies track it?

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New Report by CDP, CDSB, GRI, IIRC, SASB on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure

External Report

Five leading reporting organisations publish a new report towards their vision for a comprehensive reporting system.

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Materiality 2020 – Time to Hit the Reset Button


In this webcast, we speak to Golden-Agri Resources and ISS ESG to discuss how companies should re-prioritise their material risks and opportunities amid the seismic events of 2020.

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Case Studies: Best Practices in Sustainability Reporting – Measuring KPIs, Setting Targets and Balanced Reporting

Case Study

In the second part of this series, we look at good examples of sustainability reporting in the areas of measuring KPIs, setting targets and balanced reporting.

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Rethinking ESG in a Post COVID-19 World

External Report

How should companies in Malaysia rethink their ESG commitments, in light of the pandemic and recent developments by the government to move Malaysia towards a more sustainable future?

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Case Studies: Best Practices in Sustainability Reporting – Sustainability Governance, Materiality

Case Study

In the first part of this series, we look at good examples of sustainability reporting in the areas of sustainability governance and materiality.

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Working Together Towards Comprehensive Corporate Reporting: Joint Statement by CDP, CDSB, GRI, IIRC and SASB

External Report

5 framework- and standard-setting institutions have expressed a commitment to working towards a comprehensive corporate reporting system.

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Five Changes to Expect From the Revised GRI Universal Standards


A summary of the most important updates on GRI’s proposed revised Universal Standards - and what the implications might be for businesses.

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Wellness at Work: Supporting Workers Amid COVID-19


How managers and supervisors can create safe workplaces, preserve the containment, and communicate effectively with workers to reduce anxiety amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Case Studies: Leveraging on Technology for Supply Chain Transparency


Some companies have leveraged on technology to enhance effective monitoring of the performance and activities of their suppliers. In this case studies, we look at tools developed by companies such as Olam, Thai Union and others.

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8 Ways COVID-19 Has Affected Risk


From supply chain troubles and operational disruptions to leadership issues and managing a remote workforce, the challenges facing every facet of business right now are truly unprecedented.

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Contributing to the SDGs: Using the UNGC's SDG Implementation Framework

External Report

UNGC՚s SDG Implementation Framework helps companies to set bolder goals to contribute to the SDGs, aligned with their business purpose and strategy.

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World's Worst-Performing Countries for Workers' Rights

External Report

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) releases its Global Rights index, mapping international worker rights՚ violations and naming the worst offending countries.

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Stewardship in Business: Navigating the Storm


It certainly isn’t smooth sailing for businesses right now. How can the concept of stewardship help business leaders to navigate the current uncertainty and change, and avoid getting lost at sea?

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#GoodAfterCovid19: Imagining a Better Post-Pandemic World


Hear from the world’s top sustainability thought leaders to explore a fundamental question: ‘Is it possible to start imagining the good while the wounds are still wide open?

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What Do Over 1,000 CEOs Really Think About Business & SDGs?


What do over 1,000 CEOs really think about business & SDGs - UNGC report

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Rapid Self-Assessment: COVID-19 and Human Rights Risks

External Report

A new UNDP tool provides companies with a quick means of reviewing human rights risks in their operations and supply chains amid COVID-19.

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Bursa Malaysia Announces Additional Relief Measures to Alleviate the Impact of COVID-19 on Capital Market Players

External Report

Relief measures include 50% rebate for annual listing fees for some Listed Issuers, 1-month extension for submission of financial statements, greater flexibility for brokers to manage margin accounts, among others.

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Capital Market Regulators Grant Flexibility for Listed Issuers on AGMs and Issuance of Periodic Reports

External Report

Following the introduction of the Movement Control Order (“MCO”) that will take effect 18 to 31 March 2020 (“Restricted Period”), the Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”)

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Take the Sustainability Healthcheck


Presented by Bursa Malaysia, this free self-assessment tool is designed to help listed companies ‘diagnose’ where they are on their sustainability journey. It consists of 10 questions and should take no longer than 30 min to complete

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Bursa Malaysia Ranked 2nd for Sustainability Among ASEAN Stock Exchanges

External Report

Bursa Malaysia has been ranked 2nd among ASEAN stock exchanges, in a recent report released by Corporate Knights, “Measuring Sustainability Disclosure: Ranking the World’s Stock Exchanges 2019”.

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Understanding of "Sustainability" Varies Among Malaysians, Find Entropia Report

External Report

Survey of Malaysian working adults finds that perceptions of the term vary across income levels, age groups and geographic locations.

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Self-assessment: How Well is Your Company Performing on Circularity?

External Report

First self-assessment on circular performance launched by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), helping companies to measure their sustainability efforts and readiness for circular transition.

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Top 10 Business and Human Rights Issues for 2020


Marking International Human Rights Day, we look at the top 10 business and human rights issues for the year ahead, from fake news to sexual harassment in the workplace

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ASEAN Financial Regulators Shoring Up Regulatory Safeguards Against Climate and Environmental Emergencies

External Report

New WWF report finds that financial regulators in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam are strengthening expectations on climate and environment risk managemen

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Latest SGX Report Reveals Status of Sustainability Reporting by Singapore Companies

External Report

3 years after SGX mandated sustainability reporting, what are the key improvements and gaps in ESG reporting by Singapore companies?

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Taking a Strategic Approach to Social Impact: Maybank Foundation


How companies can maximise the impact of their community programmes by taking a strategic approach to corporate community investment

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Re-thinking Progress: The Circular Economy


What is the circular economy? Replacing the linear ‘throw away and replace’ culture with a circular ‘return and renew’ one.

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What Are the Sustainability Trends in 2019?


From climate change to the void of trust in institutions, we look at the top sustainability trends in 2019

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Business and Human Rights: Top-Performing Companies in ASEAN

External Report

Sime Darby tops the list, in a study of human rights disclosures by the largest 250 PLCs in 5 ASEAN countries

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Why Should Companies Care About Human Rights?


Speaking with Malaysian Lawyer Edmund Bon and Simon Lord from Sime Darby.

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Demystifying Sustainability Buzzwords


Sustainability, responsible business, CSR, corporate citizenship, corporate responsibility, creating shared value, ESG… what''''''''s the difference? This infographic sheds light on the definitions of these terms and the nuances, if any, between each definition.

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Building on the Base: TCFD Disclosure in Asia

External Report

The first comprehensive guide developed by investors to look at climate change reporting by public-listed companies in Asia against TCFD.

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How to Guide: Strategic Corporate Giving

External Report

Many companies today engage in corporate giving, but how can companies move one level up and ensure that this is done strategically?

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All You Need to Know About Sustainability Committees

Case Study

What is the role of Sustainability Committees? Why do companies need one and what are the best practices in setting one up?

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Reporting Matters: Striking a Balance Between Disclosure and Engagement

External Report

This report looks at balancing disclosure and engagement, to help companies make the most of their reporting process and the investment it requires.

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Introduction to Sustainability - Why is Sustainability Important?


A brief introduction to sustainable business and the importance of linking sustainability to the business strategy.

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Materiality How to Identify the Sustainability Issues that Matter


A webcast on materiality; why it matters, and tips on designing an effective materiality assessment.

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Activating the SDGs into Business Operations


This webinar provides valuable insight into how leading brands are integrating the SDGs into their business to create the disruptive change required to meet the global goals.

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Climate Action 100+: World's Top Investors Launch 'Unprecedented' Drive to Push Carbon Intensive Firms on Climate Action

External Report

Over 200 global investors with more than $26.3 trillion AUM have pledged support to companies responsible for 85 percent of world’s total global greenhouse gas emissions

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Sunway - Voices of Tomorrow


An introductory video to the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development (JSC) at Sunway University in Malaysia, established to support the global effort to achieve the SDGs.

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Introduction to Business & Human Rights


A human rights scandal in your supply chain could have profound impacts on your business. This video helps companies identify potential salient human rights risks and how to mitigate them.

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The Business Value of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

External Report

Greater sustainability can help businesses overcome global burdens to growth and deliver trillions in new market value. This report also identifies actions business leaders can take to capture their share of the prize and set the world on the path to a sustainable, inclusive economy.

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The Steps to Getting Started on Sustainability Reporting


This infographic gives an overview of the steps in sustainability reporting which may be applied to sustainability practitioners of all levels. The steps outlined allow users to identify which stage of the reporting journey their organizations are at

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