About the Report:
Research for this report has confirmed that many organizations find it challenging to meet the increasing number of disclosure requirements in a robust manner. At the same time, they are expected to engage with a greater variety of stakeholders in a meaningful way.
Therefore, the theme of this report looks at striking the right balance between disclosure and engagement, to help companies make the most of their reporting process and the
significant investment it requires. The report explores technical disclosure issues including the new Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, WBCSD's forthcoming collaboration with COSO on risk management, the expanding universe of disclosure requirements and updates on the status of human rights and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reporting. And through WBCSD's revamped Experience criteria, the report also looks at how companies can create compelling content for a variety of stakeholders. This is particularly relevant as technology continues to advance, opening up new opportunities to communicate sustainability related information.

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Tags : Reporting, Disclosure, Stakeholder Engagement, TCFD, SDGs, Human Rights.