Terms & Conditions of Use, Disclaimer and Linking Policy
Acknowledgement And Acceptance Of General Conditions
This website which is accessible at www.bursamalaysia.com ("the Website") is owned by Bursa Malaysia Berhad ("Bursa Malaysia"). Users' access to the Website, and use of the contents of the Website and/or any information in whatsoever form arising from the Website shall be conditional upon acceptance of the terms and conditions of use as hereinafter contained.
Intellectual Property And Proprietary Rights
The materials displayed and contained in the Website, which may include (without limitation) all information, data, materials, graphics, price or other information as well as any software programs available on or through the Website ("Content" or "Contents" as the context may require), are protected by copyright, trade mark and/or other intellectual property laws, unless where expressly indicated to the contrary. All rights, titles and interests pertaining to the Contents are owned, licensed to or controlled by Bursa Malaysia.
The 'Bursa Malaysia Berhad' name and the Bursa Malaysia logo, including that of its group of companies, are trademarks of Bursa Malaysia. All other marks, trade names, product names and logos contained in the Website are used purely in editorial fashion only without any intention for infringement, and inure to the benefit of the respective owners.
Users shall acknowledge that the Website and its Contents, including but not limited to the text, photographs, graphics and any audio or video applications, is designed and presented by Bursa Malaysia in a format and appearance unique to Bursa Malaysia ("Bursa Malaysia's Look and Feel"). Bursa Malaysia's Look and Feel is protected by copyrights, trademarks and/or other applicable intellectual property laws.
Users may view the Website and its Contents and print one copy of the Website, or particular parts of the Website, solely for personal and non-commercial use, research or information.
Save where expressly provided for above, Users are strictly prohibited from copying, storing (either in hardcopy or in an electronic retrieval system), downloading, transmitting, transferring, publishing, reproducing, broadcasting, displaying, distributing, selling, licensing any part of the Contents to any third person whether for commercial purposes, for pecuniary gain or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Bursa Malaysia.
Limitation of Liability And Disclaimer
Bursa Malaysia shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that information contained in the Website and its Contents are accurate, correct or obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, Users shall acknowledge that delays, omissions or inaccuracies may occur due to defects inherent to electronic communication. The provision of information on the Website and its Contents, including the material posted in the announcements, is provided to Users on an “as is” basis without any representations or warranties of any kind.
Bursa Malaysia and the Bursa Malaysia group of companies disclaims all express, implied and statutory warranties of any kind to Users or any third party in regard the Website or its Contents, including without limitation, representations and warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness, currentness, completeness, non-infringement, merchantability, or applicability of information for any particular purpose, or any representations or warranties arising from usage or custom or trade or by operation of law.
Bursa Malaysia and the Bursa Malaysia group of companies shall not in any circumstances be liable to Users or third parties for any loss or injury caused or arising from contingencies beyond its control in the procurement, compilation, interpretation, editing, reporting or delivering of the Contents or any part thereof.
Bursa Malaysia and the Bursa Malaysia group of companies disclaims any liability pertaining to the consequences of any errors or omissions. In no event shall Bursa Malaysia and the Bursa Malaysia group of companies be liable in respect of any claim arising out of or relating to the Website or its Contents, including, but not limited to, any decision made or action taken by Users in reliance upon such content, or for damages suffered, whether direct, consequential, special, punitive, indirect or otherwise, notwithstanding having been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Reliance Upon Information As Investment Advice
The Contents of the Website are provided for informative and educational purposes only and is not intended to provide investment advice of any form or kind, and shall not at any time be relied upon as such.
Any information howsoever presented and provided on the Website pertaining to financial products, including without limitation, securities and derivatives products, or of companies identified, listed or proposed to be listed on any subsidiary exchange of Bursa Malaysia, are strictly of a general nature only, and shall not under any circumstances be construed as providing any recommendation, opinion or indication by Bursa Malaysia as to the merits of the said product or company. Bursa Malaysia shall not be liable for loss, claims and damages arising from reliance by Users on such information.
Users are advised to conduct their own research and seek independent professional advice prior to taking any investment or investment related decisions.
The English version of the Contents on the Website shall always prevail in the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version or the Chinese version or both. Bursa Malaysia and the Bursa Malaysia group of companies disclaim any and all liability howsoever arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of or reliance on the Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese versions of the Contents.
Linking Policy
Users are requested to note that all links from the Website ("Linked Sites") are provided for Users' convenience only.
The information and contents that may be viewed by a User at a Linked Site, including any amendments or updates thereto, are not controlled, reviewed or approved by Bursa Malaysia and shall not be deemed to be provided by Bursa Malaysia. Users are requested to note that Bursa Malaysia is not responsible for, nor does it make any representations or warranties of any kind as to the contents of the Linked Sites.
The inclusion of hyperlinks to Linked Sites is not an indication of endorsement by Bursa Malaysia of the Linked Sites or any part of its contents. Bursa Malaysia expressly disclaims any liability for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by Users or any third party arising out of, in connection with or as a result of this linkage.
Bursa Malaysia reserves the right at all times and at its discretion to disable any unauthorized links or frames from the Website.
Links To The Website
The establishment of links to the Website is subject always to the terms and conditions hereinafter stated.
The link must be a text-only link clearly marked "Bursa Malaysia Website" or www.bursamalaysia.com and must "point" to the URL http://www.bursamalaysia.com.
Users are to take the necessary care to ensure the following:-
that the link or any party thereof does not damage or dilute the goodwill associated with Bursa Malaysia's name and marks, and where applicable, that of its group of companies;
that the link or any part thereof does not create or imply the false appearance of being associated with or sponsored by Bursa Malaysia. To this end, the creation of a link shall not at any time be an indication of Bursa Malaysia's endorsement of or co-operation with the linked website;
that the link, when activated, must display the Website in full-screen format and not within a frame on the linked website;
that the Website or its Contents shall not be linked or framed to any site containing inappropriate, profane, defamatory, derogatory, obscene, indecent, or unlawful content, or content which violates any applicable copyright, trademark, intellectual property or privacy laws.
No other use of Bursa Malaysia's name or marks is permitted without the express prior written permission of Bursa Malaysia.
Bursa Malaysia shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by Users or any third party arising from or in connection with a link from the Website. To this end, Bursa Malaysia reserves the right to seek all remedies available to it at law or in equity for any breach or violation of the terms of linkage.
Bursa Malaysia reserves the right at any time and at its sole discretion without having to assign any reasons therefor, to revoke its consent to any linking or framing of the Website or its Contents and to take all necessary action in connection therewith, including but not limited to the termination and disabling of any links or frames.
Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, linking to any part or specific parts of the Contents shall not at any time be permitted, unless otherwise and expressly determined by Bursa Malaysia.
The Website may contain advertisements or other information and material on products or services relating to or provided by third parties ("Third Party Information"). Third Party Information may contain embedded hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by the relevant third parties, their licensees or agents. Bursa Malaysia does not make any representation or warranty of any kind in respect of the Third Party Information, and shall not be held accountable for any loss or damage arising from any acts, errors or omission arising from the Third Party Information, or the linked websites of the relevant third parties.
Bursa Malaysia does not at any time recommend, endorse or offer the products or services advertised via the Third Party Information. Users shall acknowledge that such products or services are not offered by Bursa Malaysia, and Bursa Malaysia shall not be responsible for any products or services purchased on the third party website.
Changes To Websites/ Contents/ Terms & Conditions
Bursa Malaysia reserves the right at any time and at its sole discretion to revise, change, alter or vary the Contents and/or terms and conditions of use as herein contained. The continued use of the Website by Users following any such revision, change, alteration of variation shall constitute the acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by such revision, changes, alteration and/or variation.
Violation Of Terms & Conditions
Bursa Malaysia reserves the right to seek any and all remedies available to it at law or in equity for any violation of these terms and conditions, including but not limited to the right to block a violating User's access from the Website. Bursa Malaysia further reserves the right to determine whether or not a User has committed any violation of the terms & conditions herein.
Applicable Law
These terms and conditions shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Malaysia.
Microsite Improvement Survey - Terms & Conditions

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