Bursa Malaysia (“the Exchange”) has been undertaking annual sustainability disclosure reviews (“SDR”) of sustainability statements or reports of public listed companies (“PLCs”) on a sampling basis since 2017. For 2021 however, the Exchange was, for the first time, able to extend the scope of the SDR to the entire capital market in respect of Main Market and ACE Market PLCs. This was made possible with the close collaboration and support of the Minority Shareholders Watch Group (“MSWG”).
The SDR 2021 covered Sustainability Statements/Reports of 869 PLCs (740 Main Market; 129 ACE Market) for financial year ended 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. PLCs classified under PN17/GN3 in the Main Market and ACE Market respectively were excluded from this assessment.
As the expectations in terms of sustainability reporting are different between Main Market and ACE Market PLCs, we have divided this article into two distinct sections to cater to the specific observations and corresponding recommendations for the respective markets. However, PLCs are encouraged to consider the recommendations relating to both markets as they may benefit from relevant insights depending on where they are in their sustainability journey that being an ACE Market PLC aiming to strengthen the foundational aspects of its sustainability reporting or Main Market PLC desiring for more advanced/progressive considerations.
Main Market

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ACE Market

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Corporate Governance & Sustainability, Regulation
Bursa Malaysia
All findings from the SDR 2021 are presented in an aggregated manner. Identities of sampled PLCs (including any details pertaining to individual PLC assessments) will be kept confidential.