Contributing to the SDGs: Using the UNGC's SDG Implementation Framework


Contributing to the SDGs: Using the UNGC's SDG Implementation Framework

  • Contributing to the SDGs: Using the UNGC's SDG Implementation Framework UNGC՚s SDG Implementation Framework helps companies to set bolder goals to contribute to the SDGs, aligned with their business purpose and strategy.
  • Date: Jul 08, 2020
  • Category: Sustainability
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Earlier this year, the UN Global Compact (UNGC) launched a new initiative - SDG Ambition - challenging companies to set bolder goals to contribute to the SDGs, aligned with their business purpose and strategy. As part of this initiative, they also launched a new SDG Implementation Framework to help companies:

  1. Anchor ambition in strategy and governance
  2. Deepen integration across operations
  3. Enhance stakeholder engagement
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As a follow up, UNGC is also inviting companies for feedback on draft SDG Business Benchmarks aimed at helping companies set goals aligned with the SDGs.

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UN Global Compact

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