ASEAN Financial Regulators Shoring Up Regulatory Safeguards Against Climate and Environmental Emergencies


ASEAN Financial Regulators Shoring Up Regulatory Safeguards Against Climate and Environmental Emergencies

  • ASEAN Financial Regulators Shoring Up Regulatory Safeguards Against Climate and Environmental Emergencies New WWF report finds that financial regulators in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam are strengthening expectations on climate and environment risk managemen
  • Date: Dec 20, 2019
  • Category: Sustainability
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About the Report:

New report issued by WWF-Singapore finds that financial regulators in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam – representing 85% of the region’s GDP – are shoring up regulatory safeguards against mounting environmental and social (E&S) risks. The report assesses regulations and guidelines issued by financial regulators or banking associations, based on a framework with 25 indicators divided across six pillars: scope, strategy & governance, policies & processes, portfolio risks & impacts, disclosure & transparency and enabling environment.

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Published by

WWF Singapore

  • Tags : Sustainability

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