Sunway - Voices of Tomorrow


Sunway - Voices of Tomorrow

  • Sunway - Voices of Tomorrow An introductory video to the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development (JSC) at Sunway University in Malaysia, established to support the global effort to achieve the SDGs.
  • Date: Feb 01, 2018
  • Category: Sustainability

About this Video:

Sunway Berhad, a winner of two sustainability awards in last year’s ACCA Malaysia Sustainability Reporting Awards recently launched the Jeffrey Sachs Center for Sustainable Development.

This strategic collaboration between Sunway Foundation and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network will serve as a regional center of excellence to advance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

The center at Sunway University Malaysia will not only be a hub for research and policy practice, but also a university aims to create world-class programs to train a new generation of students, practitioners and policy leaders, but also to develop linkages with major universities in Malaysia and around the world solving problems related to the SDGs.

Published by

Sunway Berhad

  • Tags : SDGs, Sustainability, Sustainable Development.

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