The Truth About Sustainability Investing: Fact-checking Nine Common Ideas

Responsible Investment

The Truth About Sustainability Investing: Fact-checking Nine Common Ideas

  • The Truth About Sustainability Investing: Fact-checking Nine Common Ideas Interest in sustainability investing has picked up massively in recent years, and with the growing interest has come a growing misconception of what people think it means.
  • Date: Aug 07, 2018
  • Category: RI Essentials
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About the Report:

Some still think it is a niche form of investing, or they believe that environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are not relevant for all asset classes or markets. And many remain convinced that using sustainability harms performance, partly because of a related and equally incorrect idea that it only involves negative screening through exclusions.

In an era of ‘fake news’, it is increasingly important to be able to separate fact from fiction. Our new booklet discusses nine popular misconceptions about sustainability investing, while also inspiring readers with new ideas about this growing investment style.

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  • Tags : Responsible Investment, ESG, Investors, Socially Responsible Investing, Ethical Investing, Sustainable Investing.

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