Integrating Climate Change into Investment Strategy: A Guide for Investors

Responsible Investment

Integrating Climate Change into Investment Strategy: A Guide for Investors

  • Integrating Climate Change into Investment Strategy: A Guide for Investors This guide aims to support Asia-based institutional investors (asset owners and managers) on the subject of climate change and to highlight and explore areas of international best practice.
  • Date: Aug 07, 2018
  • Category: Responsible Investment
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About the Report:

As the guide highlights, a growing body of investors recognise, that climate change needs to be incorporated into an organisation’s overarching investment strategy as part of fulfilling its fiduciary duty to end-beneficiaries. Indeed, many investors are addressing climate change as part of their broader approach to Responsible Investment (RI) – commonly referred to as the integration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues into investment frameworks – and are collaborating to reinforce their actions on climate change.

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Published by

Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC)

  • Tags : Responsible Investment, ESG, Investors, Socially Responsible Investing, Ethical Investing, Sustainable Investing, Climate Change.

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