Malaysian Boards & Senior Management Remuneration Practices Report : Executive Report

Corporate Governance

Malaysian Boards & Senior Management Remuneration Practices Report : Executive Report

  • Malaysian Boards & Senior Management Remuneration Practices Report : Executive Report A collaboration between Bursa Malaysia Berhad, The Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (ICDM) and WTW - this Executive Report contains a brief overview of the findings and insights from the Boards & Senior Management Remuneration Practices
  • Date: Nov 17, 2023
  • Category: Corporate Governance
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A collaboration between Bursa Malaysia Berhad, The Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (ICDM) and WTW - this Executive Report contains a brief overview of the findings and insights from the Boards & Senior Management Remuneration Practices, along with corresponding recommendations towards more holistic, standardized and transparent disclosure practices.

You may reach out to ICDM if you are keen to access the full report and find out more on ICDM Corporate Membership.

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  • Tags : Corporate governance, board, senior management, remuneration

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