Integrated Reporting: Value to the Board

Corporate Governance

Integrated Reporting: Value to the Board

  • Integrated Reporting: Value to the Board Covers the value of Integrated Reporting <IR> to the board, from building trust and reputation to supporting decision making.
  • Date: Jan 10, 2018
  • Category: Corporate Governance

About the Report:

Following the global financial crisis, greater priority has been placed on boards to build stakeholder trust in their businesses. These stakeholders – be it customers, investors, governments and even employees - are expecting businesses to demonstrate their contribution towards long-term economic stability. Through effective management and reporting, board members are best placed to ensure overall that there is increased organisational and cultural alignment in order to achieve these benefits.

Integrated Reporting is a mechanism by which boards can present the full picture of their company’s use of all relevant resources (or ‘capitals’), which can help to address weaknesses in today’s capital markets.

This report, developed by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), details the drivers for Integrated Reporting as well as the value it brings, including helping boards to tell the company’s performance story, understand and communicate value creation, and to make better decisions.

  • Download full report
  • Tags : Value, Trust, Reputation, Strategy, Business Model, Investor Dialogue, Governance, Board, Decision Making, Integrated Reporting.

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