Corporate Governance Guide (4th Edition)


Corporate Governance Guide (4th Edition)

The updated CG Guide is aimed at ensuring that our PLCs have comprehensive and practical guidance in terms of adhering to the various recommended Practices under the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”) issued by the Securities Commission Malaysia on 28 April 2021 and enhanced CG disclosure requirements in the Listing Requirements.

The CG Guide sets out, amongst others, the MCCG’s “CARE” (Comprehend, Apply and Report) approach and practical guidance to ease the adoption of recommended Practices by listed issuers. In addition, the CG Guide also provides insights for internalisation of CG in listed issuers through illustrations, case studies and references from international developments.

Corporate Governance Guide (4th edition)
Webinar on Corporate Governance Guide (4th Edition)
  • Tags : Corporate Governance, Sustainability

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