Xpansiv Introduces Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Market


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  • 27 Apr 2023
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Xpansiv Introduces Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Market

Xpansiv, a global energy transition market infrastructure provider, launched its Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU). This trading and settlement infrastructure aims to deliver improved liquidity formation, price transparency, and global connectivity to the ACCU market, and support same-day settlement. The market’s first trading day of 19 April saw a total of eight transactions and 27,449 ACCUs traded. The first trades signal a new era for the compliance and voluntary use of the country’s voluntary CO2 market, said Ben Stuart, President, of Transaction Services, Xpansiv. Companies that participated in the trading that day include CBA, Corporate Carbon, Carbon Financial Services, and CO2 Australia.

Source: carbonherald