WWF study reveals rising demand for sustainable products


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  • 19 May 2021
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WWF study reveals rising demand for sustainable products

New research commissioned by environmental charity WWF, highlights that public concern for nature loss is mounting, growing by 16% globally in the last 5 years. The research found that this trend has translated into digital activism and a surge in internet searches for sustainable goods which have risen by 71% since 2016. Findings of the ‘Eco-Awakening’ research show that 93% of EU citizens consider biodiversity loss a serious or very serious issue. These concerns were mirrored in regions like Latin America, where 96% of respondents cited worries about the lack of protection for nature and ecosystem services. The research covered 80% of the world’s population from 2016-2020, and aims to underline the apprehension towards accelerating anthropogenic climate change and urgency felt by many in emerging markets to mitigate environmental risks.

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