Tesco Stores has been named the most sustainable retailer


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  • 20 Feb 2020
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WWF Ranks Malaysia’s Most Sustainable Retailers, With Tesco Emerging at the Top

Tesco Stores has been named the most sustainable retailer in Malaysia with the WWF. The firm achieved a 76 per cent rating on the foundation’s Sustainable Retailers Scorecard. It is the first time the study, which evaluates both environmental performance and sustainability, has been conducted in Malaysia. Only seven of the 18 retailers invited to participate in the survey responded, providing information about their firms’ policies, packing and sourcing practices. Multinational firms surveyed ranked higher than local firms in part due to policies developed in their home territories. The other six, in ranking order, were Aeon (54 per cent), Aeon Wellness (38 per cent), MyNews (33 per cent), Caring Pharmacy (29 per cent), Aeon Big (28 per cent) and Econsave (17 per cent).

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Inside Retail