The Malaysian government is expected to appoint its first female


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  • 08 Apr 2019
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Women Leading Roles in New Malaysia

The Malaysian government is expected to name Parit Sulong MP Datuk Noraini Ahmad as the Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) new chairperson this week, the first time a woman has held the position. Her appointment is seen as a crucial test on how the Opposition-led PAC will live up to the enormous task. Her expected appointment has resonated the sweeping changes felt by the country in gender recognition. Over the last 11 months, key positions within government-related agencies have been filled by women. The new Pakatan Harapan government, which unexpectedly swept to power in last year’s general election, has promised that women would make up at least 30 percent of the country’s policymakers. Critics have been loud in criticising the government for not yet fulfilling its promise, despite women accounting for about 49 percent of the total voters in the 14th General Election. While an overhaul of a political system is deeply rooted in male domination, changes at the government-linked or -owned agencies have been swifter. All the appointments were based on merits, academic excellence and recognisable past achievements.

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The Malaysian Reserve