Malaysia is well-positioned to transition to a renewable energy economy


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  • 26 Feb 2019
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Will Malaysia Become Southeast Asia’s Clean Energy Leader? Writes Global Greens Ambassador Christine Milne

Malaysia sits at a unique crossroads, with the opportunity to position itself as Southeast Asia’s clean energy and renewable industries leader. Government and non-government actors are already organising for change, looking at how the right moves now will not only put an end to energy poverty in states like Sarawak and Sabah, but can build on the success of existing small-scale distributed energy systems that have emerged at the grassroots, spearheaded by indigenous communities. New Malaysian leaders at the federal level, such as Yeo Bee Yin, Baru Bian, and Banie Lasimbang, understand the complexities of the situation and are ready to champion projects that bring prosperity to people while addressing environmental concerns. Malaysia can be a champion for our region. Where it chooses to sit on this spectrum between leader and follower in the new geopolitical relationships evolving from the transition to renewable energy is yet to be seen, but the opportunity to lead in the transformation in Southeast Asia is wide open.

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