Introduction to Responsible Investment


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  • 10 Jan 2018
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WEBCAST: How can companies better engage investors on ESG performance? Perspectives from the SE Asia region

WEBCAST: How can companies better engage investors on ESG performance? Perspectives from the SE Asia region

  1. Gladys Chua, Head of Sustainability Services, RAM Holdings
  2. Gregory Elders, Senior ESG Analyst Bloomberg (target speaker)*
  3. James Robertson, Network Manager, UN Principles of Responsible Investment (target speaker)*
  4. An asset manager with equity holdings in the SE Asia region (we are in ongoing discussions with representatives from Arabesque and Stewart Investors)*
  1. Junice Yeo, Director, Corporate Citizenship
  2. Esther Toth, Associate Director, Corporate Citizenship
  3. George Blacksell, Consultant, Corporate Citizenship

Suggested running order

5 minutes

Webcast begins

  1. Hosts welcome the participants and introduce the webcast and its subject matter
  2. Quickly cover key definitions e.g. “ESG”, “Responsible Investment”, “long-term value creation”, “SRI and mainstream investors”
5 minutes

Responsible Investment landscape

  1. Provide an overview of the responsible investment landscape in the SE Asia region to date, with a particular focus on Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong. (Corporate Citizenship will set the scene and lead the discussion)
8-10 minutes

Discussion with RAM Holdings

  1. Short introduction to speaker’s role and responsibilities.
  2. What aspects of a company’s performance are measured for the purposes of the RAM Sustainability Rating for companies?
  3. What can companies do to adapt their reporting methods and improve their disclosure on sustainability topics?
8-10 minutes

Discussion with UNPRI

  1. Short introduction to speaker’s role and responsibilities.
  2. What themes have characterised the work of the UNPRI Network’s Outreach team in the Asia Pacific Region?
  3. What does the engagement strategy consist of to help build responsible investment in the region?
8-10 minutes

Discussion with an asset manager: Arabesque

  1. Short introduction to speaker’s role and responsibilities.
  2. The investment case for sustainability e.g. discussion of Arabesque’s ‘From the Stockholder to the Stakeholder’ meta-study which identifies evidence of a positive connection between sustainability and long-term financial performance.
  3. How does Arabesque’s S-Ray tool help it to integrate ESG into its investment analysis?
  4. How does this information feed into engagement with companies? How does Arabesque decide who to engage with on ESG?

Stewarts Investors

  1. Short introduction to speaker’s role and responsibilities.
  2. What factors led to the development of the Stewart Investors Asia Pacific Sustainability Fund?
  3. What process does Stewart Investors use to rate company ESG performance?
  4. How has the fund performed, as compared to the benchmark, since it was launched in 2012?
5 minutes

Overarching question – for all participants

  1. What can be done to help institutional investors in the Asia region overcome the challenges associated with integrating sustainability into the investment process?