Wahid Omar: Businesses Must Adopt Sustainable Practices, Invest


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  • 25 Oct 2023
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Wahid Omar: Businesses Must Adopt Sustainable Practices, Invest in Biodiversity-Friendly Supply Chains

Businesses need to adopt sustainable practices, reduce their environmental footprint, and invest in biodiversity-friendly supply chains, said WWF-Malaysia chairman Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar, who was speaking at the Joint Committee on Climate Change (JC3) Journey to Zero conference 2023 on 'Navigating the Next Environmental Challenge: Understanding and Managing Nature-related Risks'. He said current initiatives such as the Blueprint for Accelerating Biodiversity Action: A Strategic Roadmap for the Business and Private Sector in Malaysia are commendable. "We need an inclusive 'whole of society' approach that empowers each of us to act," he said in a statement on 25th October.

Source: New Straits Times