U.S. to Spend More Than USD500bn on Climate Over a Decade Under Three Laws, Study Says.


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  • 25 Aug 2022
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U.S. to Spend More Than USD500bn on Climate Over a Decade Under Three Laws, Study Says.

The U.S. government will spend more than USD500bn on climate technology and clean energy over the next decade under three recently enacted laws, an analysis by non-profit RMI found. The tally is based on this month's Inflation Reduction and CHIPS acts and last year's Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Together they fund climate-related research and pilot studies and support manufacturing. The estimated USD514bn total includes USD362bn from the IRA, USD98bn from the infrastructure act and USD54bn from the bipartisan-supported CHIPS law, although Congress will have to pass further legislation for some of the funding to be released. The analysis excludes additional agriculture and land-related climate spending. The CHIPS bill, for instance, will fund climate-related efforts in materials science such as developing new battery chemistry and more efficient solar panels.

Source: Reuters