Unilever is taking its unstereotype campaign to Asia to banish gender stereotypes


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  • 01 Oct 2018
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Unilever Takes ‘Unstereotype’ Mission to Asia

Unilever is taking its 'unstereotype campaign' to Asia, to banish stereotypical portrayals of gender in advertising, after research commissioned by the Dutch FMCG company revealed that the advertising world continues to persist in stereotyped images of gender in parts of the region. The study analysed 500 ads shown in India, China and Indonesia in the first six months of the year. Just 1 percent showed women as intelligent or in leadership role and only 4 percent featured women aged over 40. Aline Santos, Executive Vice President of Global Marketing at Unilever told CNBC “Women are only portrayed as housewives, as someone that doesn’t have a very important career, or is intelligent or a leader. It’s a really, really big gap between the reality of these countries and how we are portraying people in advertising.” 

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