UNFCCC publishes net-zero roadmap for financial markets


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  • 27 Jul 2021
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UNFCCC publishes net-zero roadmap for financial markets

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, tasked with supporting the global response to climate change, announced the release of Finance Climate Action Pathway 2021, aiming to provide a roadmap for financial markets to align with global net-zero goals and finance the transition to a 1.5oC future. Among its key goals are ensuring financial decisions incorporate climate change considerations, including adjusting price signals and profit motives to account for negative spillover effects, including using carbon pricing. The roadmap also calls for private finance to help drive capital flows to areas vital investment areas including clean energy and infrastructure. The Pathway also suggests some near, mid and long-term milestones, such as ending fossil fuel subsidies or aligning board and executive remuneration with net-zero targets and climate risk management by 2030.

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