Human Rights Council calling on businesses


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  • 22 Mar 2019
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UN Human Rights Council Calls on Businesses for Better Protection of Environmental Human Rights Defenders

The Human Rights Council has adopted a strong consensus resolution recognising the critical role of environmental human rights defenders in protecting vital ecosystems, addressing climate change, attaining the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and ensuring that no-one is left behind. Implementation of the resolution, which formally acknowledges the important role of environmental human rights defenders, requires action at the national level by all relevant stakeholders, including States, UN agencies, businesses and development finance institutions. The Human Rights Council is calling on businesses to carry out human rights due diligence and to hold meaningful and inclusive consultations with defenders, potentially affected groups and other relevant stakeholders. ‘We now look to States, business enterprises and development finance institutions to take rapid and decisive steps to address the global crisis facing environmental human rights defenders’, said Michael Ineichen, Programme Director at the International Service for Human Rights.

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Business & Human Rights