United Nations Secretary-General Antonio


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  • 24 Jan 2020
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UN Global Compact Launches New Initiative to Spur Decade of Private Sector Progress Towards the SDGs

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres yesterday launched a new initiative designed to help the world’s corporations put their weight behind efforts to achieve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the 2030 deadline. SDG Ambition is the latest programme from the UN Global Compact, a UN body working with businesses around the world to help them align their activities with the SDGs. Aiming to drive progress through the goals’ last decade, the initiative is to provide organisations with a management framework to help them incorporate the SDGs into their normal business operations. It will also provide guidance on how they can measure and manage their performance against a range of targets set by the SDGs. The initiative’s launch is being supported by multinationals SAP and Accenture, which will work to “mobilize industry around SDG Ambition and scale impact for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals,” according to SAP CEO Jennifer Morgan.

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