Corporates must stop ‘cherry-picking’ which of the United Nation’s


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  • 15 Aug 2018
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UN Global Compact: Corporates Must Stop ‘Cherry-Picking’ the Sdgs

Large businesses will soon risk losing investor interest and stakeholder trust unless they stop “cherry-picking” which of the United Nation’s (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) they report on and omitting negative impacts from their sustainability reports, according to UN Global Compact’s (UNGC) chief of programmes, Lila Karbassi. With members of the UNGC noticing a trend among corporates towards selecting the easiest SDGs and related targets to report on, Karbassi urged companies to focus on targets that are most material to their operations. Karbassi explained that the Compact had seen a growing number of investors moving to increase funding for green business projects, indicating that companies which fail to track and communicate both positive and negative contributions to all 17 Global Goals could soon lose out on investment.

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