UN Environment and Google have partnered up to provide trackable data on human


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  • 18 Jul 2018
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UN and Google Team Up to Monitor Environmental Damage

UN Environment has announced a partnership with Google to provide trackable data on human impacts on the environment. The goal of the new partnership is to provide countries, NGOs, and the public with unprecedented levels of access to data through a platform that monitors environmental changes. Once completed, the platform will allow countries to see which areas and ecosystems are in need of the most immediate attention (e.g. freshwater systems), while also allowing them to track the progress that they have made. Compiling data can be slow and complicated, especially for smaller countries and, as a result, action on environmental problems is often hindered. This is something that the platform will attempt to change. Rebecca Moore, Google’s Director of Google Earth, stated: “We are excited to enable all countries with equal access to the latest technology and information in support of global climate action and sustainable development.”

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Climate Action Programme