Britain will take back 42 containers filled with plastic waste


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  • 25 Nov 2019
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UK to Take Back 42 Containers of Plastic Scrap Illegally Shipped to Malaysia

Britain will take back 42 containers filled with plastic waste that had been illegally shipped to Malaysia, authorities have said. Malaysia last year became the world’s main destination for plastic waste after China’s ban on scrap imports disrupted the flow of more than 7 million tonnes of trash annually. However, Hundreds of containers of plastic waste have been held at ports across Malaysia, having arrived without the required permits. Malaysia had vowed earlier this year to send plastic waste back to the source country and get them to pay for the transportation costs. The 42 containers that the United Kingdom will take back had arrived at Penang Port between March 2018 and March 2019. Reuters reported last month that over 300 containers carrying plastic waste were being held at Penang, and some countries had agreed in principle to take back 200 of those. Authorities have stepped up scrutiny as residents complained of environmental damage.

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