MPs call on UK banks and financial firms to tackle "alpha male culture"


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  • 13 Jun 2018
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UK MPs Urge Banks to End “Alpha Male Culture” to Close Gender Pay Gap

MPs have called on Britain’s banks and other financial firms to tackle their “alpha male culture”, in a parliamentary report that recommends measures to close the City’s gender pay gapincluding clearer criteria for awarding bonuses and senior male executives taking up flexible working. The Treasury committee’s report follows its investigation into women in finance, and found the alpha male culture was the main reason women gave for not wanting to work in senior management at City firms. The Women in Finance report found that the median bonus pay gap is 49% in favour of men at UK banks, and 38% at building societies. The bonus gap is 43.5% overall, meaning that for every £100,000 of bonuses handed out to men, women are only getting £56,500. The gender pay gap per hour in finance is 28%. 

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