According to research by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership


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  • 31 May 2018
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Two-thirds of G20 Member States are Engaged with TCFD Recommendations

Approximately two-thirds of G20 member states have actively engaged with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures(TCFD), set up by Bank of England governor Mark Carney, according to new research published by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. The report, Sailing from different harbours: G20 approaches to implementing the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, reviews the progress made by the national regulatory agencies of G20 members in making the recommendations relevant to their national contexts. Subsequent key findings include that Australia, Canada, the EU, Italy, Japan, South Africa, Turkey and the United Kingdom have conducted (or are currently conducting) consultations with the private sector on sustainable finance generally and on disclosure requirements as an important building block of sustainable finance more specifically. It also highlights France’s Article 173 that, whilst predating the TCFD, is broadly aligned with the TCFD requirements and provides a mandatory disclosure framework. 

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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership