A study on Corporate Disclosure on Business Integrity in ASEAN


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  • 29 Aug 2018
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Top ASEAN Listed Companies Show Improvement in Disclosures Of Anti-Corruption Practices

A recent joint study on Corporate Disclosure on Business Integrity in ASEAN by the ASEAN CSR Network (ACN) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School’s Centre for Governance, Institutions and Organisations (CGIO) found that corporate disclosure of anti-corruption practices by top ASEAN listed companies has improved over the last two years. The study looked at the 50 largest companies by market capitalisation in five ASEAN countries – Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand – and assessed their level of public disclosure based on a set of 13 questions developed by Transparency International. Companies across all five ASEAN countries scored an overall average of 56%, an increase from 11% in 2016, with improvements across each of the countries. Thailand maintained its lead with the highest disclosure rate of 67%. Findings were presented at the ASEAN Responsible Business Forum organised by ACN and the ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) on 27-28 Aug 2018.

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