Seabin Won't Swallow Asia's Plastic Pollution Problem


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  • 11 Apr 2018
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The Seabin Won’t Swallow Asia’s Plastic Pollution Problem—But it’s a Start

The Seabin has been deployed for the first time in Singapore on 10th April at the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club. It is not designed for the open ocean, and is best suited to the calm waters of ports and marinas, such as its Asian testing site. The floating garbage can is capable of sucking water in through an open top, drawing in rubbish floating on the surface and promises to “clean up the ocean”. The most commonly caught objects are cigarettes butts, plastic fragments, food wrappers followed by foam particles bottle caps, straws, stirrers, cans and plastic bags.

In a typical day with good weather, an individual Seabin will catch 1.5 kg of debris-a drop in the ocean compared to the 2 million kg of plastic that finds its way into the sea daily. But demand for Seabins could put a bigger dent in ocean plastic pollution. A pre-sales campaign launched in end of 2017 last year led to more than 5,000 orders from 330 marinas in 170 countries.

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