The International Olympic Committee commissions move toward gender equality


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  • 08 Aug 2018
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The International Olympic Committee Commissions move toward Gender Equality

The International Olympic Committee has announced that women will now occupy 30 more commission positions than last year.  In total, 42.7 per cent of the positions across the 26 IOC commissions will now be held by women. This represents an increase of 16.8 per cent in female participation compared to 2017 and an improvement of 98 per cent since 2013. The changes also include increases in the number of members from Africa and Oceania. President Bach said: “The IOC is continuing to increase female participation and geographical representation at every level of the Olympic Movement. We have made significant progress in the past few years and this work will continue. Universality is at the heart of the Olympic Movement, and it is this strength through diversity which unites us all.

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