Thai Businesses Must Act to Curb Human Rights Abuses-UN


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  • 04 Apr 2018
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Thai Businesses Must Act to Curb Human Rights Abuses at Home and Abroad, Says UN

Whilst Thailand’s fishing industry has made significant progress in curbing abuse, measures to prevent human rights violations must now be adopted in other sectors and by Thai firms operating overseas according to experts from the United Nations. The UN’s working group on business and human rights has said that the Thai government must also allow activists to speak up without fear of retribution and provide better protection for migrant workers. The multibillion-dollar seafood sector, where many migrants work, has come under intense scrutiny in recent years following investigations that found slavery, trafficking and violence on fishing boats and in onshore processing facilities. The UN group, which made its first visit to the country on the invitation of the Thai government, met with officials, businesses and civil society organisations and is to submit a complete report detailing its findings in 2019.

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Reuters Foundation