Tesla Drivers Can Earn Carbon Credits By “C+Charge-ing” Evs


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  • 12 Jan 2023
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Tesla Drivers Can Earn Carbon Credits By “C+Charge-ing” Evs

The future of electric vehicle (EV) charging has finally come, yet the carbon credits market for EVs is still highly centralized and C+Charge aims to change that. Big industry players such as Tesla has earned hefty income from selling carbon credits, making a total of ~5.4bn to date. But the small ones like their consumers enjoy little to none of the rewards of their carbon reduction actions. In 2022, the carbon credit industry is at around USD851bn in size. And with an average growth rate of 31% per year projected over the next few years, the market will reach USD2.4trn in 2027.

Source: carboncredits.com