Tax Incentives and Carbon Credits for Biofuels


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  • 06 Apr 2023
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Tax Incentives and Carbon Credits for Biofuels

Since the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was passed by the U.S. Congress last year, the country has started to look at agriculture, and its carbon sequestration, as a key source of renewable energy to produce biofuel and generate carbon credits. Several federal and state programs exist that incentivize farmers to turn their agri wastes into biofuel to power vehicles. But it seems they weren’t enough until the government decided to revive and enact the biggest climate change bill. To promote clean and renewable sources of energy, the Act incentivizes projects in the sector with USD140bn tax credits. The financial support came in the form of loans, grants, and other incentives to move away from fossil fuels to lower the nation’s CO2 footprint.
