Benefits of transforming the way food is produced, processed


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  • 16 Sep 2019
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Sustainable Food and Land Use Transition Could Net $4.5 Trillion Economic Boost

The benefits of transforming the way that food is produced, processed, distributed, consumed, and disposed of in order to deliver a sustainable food system far outweigh the costs, according to a major new report. The analysis of global food systems, published by the Food and Land use Coalition (FOLU), concludes the way societies produce and consume food currently costs $12 trillion a year in damage to the environment, health, and development. If no action is taken, the costs are expected to rise to more than $16 trillion each year by 2050, says the report that brings together scientists, policy makers, and leaders from civil society and business. The commission recommends that companies in the food sector change their current business models, where products are designed for cost, convenience, and shelf life, and traceability between producer and end-consumer is limited or non-existent. Up to $4.5 trillion a year by 2030 in economic benefits are available for companies that can translate the hidden costs into new markets and purpose-driven strategies.

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Business Green