Sustainability is a key focus at Epson’s new Southeast Asia headquarters


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  • 08 Sep 2021
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Sustainability is a key focus at Epson’s new Southeast Asia headquarters

Epson's Southeast Asia headquarters on Wednesday, 8 Sept moved from an office space in HarbourFront to Alexandra Technopark, where it will have two solution centres to display new products to customers in the region. Among these is a system that companies can use to turn their waste paper into new, reusable paper. The electronics company, which has hosted its regional headquarters in Singapore since 1982, said the opening of the larger premises will bring new job opportunities in sales and marketing, business-to-business specialisation and digitalisation.

Epson currently hires 200 people in Singapore and 800 regionally. Its office here serves Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. A product being introduced at its new showrooms is a dry office paper-making system, the Epson PaperLab. It is designed for office use so that businesses can reduce their environmental impact by recycling used paper. Waste paper can be made into fresh, new paper with this product, which does not use any water, unlike traditional paper recycling methods.

Regional managing director of Epson Singapore (Southeast Asia headquarters), Mr Siew Jin Kiat, said the headquarters’ new location brings sustainable choices closer to the company’s customers in the region. “Sustainability is imperative in today’s business economy. We have made it simpler for our customers to lower their carbon footprint,” said Mr Siew on Wednesday, at the opening of the headquarters that was held both in-person and virtually.

In conjunction with the launch of its new headquarters, Epson Singapore announced the donation of 10,000 dollars to Lakeside Family Services' Ican Campaign. The campaign aims to raise funds for programmes and services that guide the social and emotional development of children and youth.

Straits Times