Southeast Asia’s Biodiversity Worth S$3 Trillion


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  • 15 Jun 2022
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Southeast Asia’s Biodiversity Worth S$3 Trillion (RM9.64 Trillion Ringgit) a Year in Economic Growth and Jobs

Southeast Asia’s nature, from forests to coral reefs and mangroves, provides the region with at least RM9.64 trillion ringgit in economic benefits, according to a new report by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia. The biodiversity valuation considered four domains: a forest’s role in soaking up carbon dioxide and preventing floods, its role as a habitat for wildlife species’ survival, its place in education and tourism, and its provisional services such as the value of timber, food and medicine from the forest. The report is the first to calculate the economic value of the vast diversity of wildlife and swathes of rainforests, peatlands and mangroves in the region. Commenting on the report, the Academy said that as Southeast Asia’s population grows and urban development continues, the region should be wary of following the lead of the wealthy Group of Seven (G7) nations, which depleted much of their natural resources while building their economies.

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Straits Times