The acceleration of solar photovoltaic


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  • 25 Jun 2020
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Solar Electricity an Attractive Investment Amid Economic Downturn

The acceleration of solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity deployment will continue in the medium term as the cost of electricity generation from solar PV is increasingly cheaper compared to fossil fuel alternatives.

ENGIE South-East Asia Pte Ltd (ENGIE SEA) CEO Pierre Cheyron said setting up or improving energy infrastructure within companies need not always involve upfront capital investment.

“There are various schemes in the industry that allow firms to fund energy projects from future savings and revenue streams.”

“In tandem, the design, construction, running and maintenance of energy facilities can be outsourced to energy-as-a-service providers, reducing risk for organisations and allowing them to focus on their core businesses,” he told The Malaysian Reserve.

More organisations are seen taking up such schemes in Malaysia and beyond, he said.

In Malaysia, these include Green Technology Financing, Green Investment Tax Allowance and Green Income Tax Exemption schemes.

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The Malaysian Reserve