Singapore could become the first country in the world to ban the sale of packaged drinks


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  • 04 Dec 2018
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Singapore’s Ministry of Health Considers Whether to Ban Or Tax High-Sugar Drinks

Singapore could become the first country in the world to ban the sale of packaged drinks with high sugar content. This is one of the moves the Ministry of Health (MOH) is contemplating in its efforts to cut the high sugar intake of citizens, as it is a major factor for obesity and diabetes. The MOH and the Health Promotion Board are asking people for their views on four measures to cut sugar intake from drinks, which include 3-in-1 mixes, cordials, yogurt drinks, fruit juices and soda drinks. Singapore already does not allow the sale of high-sugar drinks in schools and on government premises. There is also the voluntary ‘Healthier Choice Symbol’ to identify healthier drinks. The public consultation is to gauge people’s reactions to pushing these boundaries further.

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Straits Times