Singaporean government to build long-lived infrastructure and develop long-term plans


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  • 18 Feb 2019
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Singapore Budget 2019: Preparing for Climate Change Over Long Term

The Singaporean government will be investing in infrastructure in a big way, and developing long-term plans to protect itself against the impacts of global warming, said Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat. Mr Heng pointed out that it is very difficult to project spending needs so far ahead, although the different ministries have done some preliminary estimates. "We will continue to do our best to look forward, develop fiscal plans well in advance, and put in place the right approach to finance such long-lived major infrastructure. Each generation should contribute its fair share," he added. The Government's Climate Action Plan, launched in 2016, has seen low-lying roads near coastal areas raised. There are also pilot projects involving dikes and new reclamation methods on Pulau Tekong - to shed light on how to deal with rising sea levels. Mr Heng said the carbon tax being applied to this year's emissions is an important signal to companies and households to adopt energy-efficient practices.

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The Straits Times