Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food publicises progress


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  • 18 Jul 2018
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Sinar Mas Agribusiness & Food Promotes Sustainability in Palm Oil Industry

Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food held a media event to discuss its “Extraordinary Everyday” campaign to highlight the company’s progress in achieving its goal of achieving 100 percent traceability to plantation for its palm oil. Following in the footsteps of parent company Golden Agri-Resources in including farmers and working closely with partners such as Koltiva, Geotraceability and Neste, Sinar Mas hopes to achieve its 100 percent traceability to plantation (TTP) goal by 2020. Daniel Prakarsa, head of downstream sustainability implementation at Sinar Mas, said the company reached 100 percent TTP at 44 factories by the end of last year, making 39 percent of Sinar Mas's supply chain traceable. "After completing TTP for our own factories in 2017, we still have a large hurdle ahead of us to map the supply chain from 247 other suppliers," Daniel said.

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Jakarta Globe