Royal Dutch Shell to set short-term targets to reduce the net carbon footprint


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  • 03 Dec 2018
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Shell to Pay Executives in Line with Decarbonisation Achievements

Oil and gas giant Royal Dutch Shell has announced plans to set short-term targets to reduce the net carbon footprint of its energy products and link them to executive remuneration, after years of investor pressure. Investors such as the Church of England and Robeco have pushed Shell to make firm commitments to cut its carbon footprint, saying last year’s announcement of a long-term “ambition” to halve carbon emissions by 2050 did not go far enough. By setting targets “we will be systematically driving down our carbon footprint over time”, chief executive Ben van Beurden told the Financial Times. Shell also said it will link energy transition targets to the long-term incentive plans of senior executives, subject to a shareholder vote in 2020. Shell said it was still in talks with investors about the percentage to be targeted but the remuneration of 1,200 top employees could be affected.

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