Royal Dutch Shell is in talks to install solar panels to power


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  • 06 Aug 2019
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Shell Considers Solar Panels to Power Singapore Refinery Site

Royal Dutch Shell is in talks to install solar panels to power its Bukom refining site in Singapore. The Bukom manufacturing site includes a 500,000 barrels-per-day refinery, which is Shell’s largest wholly-owned refinery. The oil and gas company has been exploring solar installations for its other sites in Singapore as part of its plans to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprint. Globally, Shell is installing solar photovoltaic panels on the roofs of seven lubricant plants in China, India, Italy, Singapore and Switzerland. It has so far identified three manufacturing and logistics sites in Singapore’s western regions. The first and largest of the three Shell solar farms, which will go live next month, will have more than 6,500 panels placed above a lubricant plant in Tuas. The generated solar energy will be used to help power operations at the Tuas lubricants plant, the company said, adding that this can result in the avoidance of a third of the greenhouse gas emissions from the plant’s electricity use which is equivalent to taking about 700 cars off the road for one year.

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