Increased robot automation may lead to an increase in trafficking and slavery


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  • 12 Jul 2018
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Robot Workers Predicted to Lead to a Surge in Slavery in South East Asia

Robots are predicted to slash millions of jobs and create a knock-on effect resulting in increased trafficking and slavery across South East Asia, according to a report from Verisk Maplecroft. Automation is already revolutionising manufacturing and lowering labour costs across the world, and in a couple of decades, it is predicted that robots will replace more low-skill jobs in sectors such as electronics, garment manufacturing and even farming. "People will have to find work just further down supply chains, where abuses are more likely to occur and regulation and worker rights can be more easily ignored", said Dr Alex Channer, analyst at Verisk Maplecroft. Malaysia is one country at-risk of this trend. The electronics sector in Malaysia, which accounts for nearly 35% of the country's export economy, has faced international scrutiny for its treatment of migrant workers. In 2014 a report by supply chain watchdog Verité found that nearly one third of workers in Malaysia’s electronics sector were in forced labour, and called for reforms from foreign companies operating there. “In an environment like South East Asia where workers are already vulnerable to labour abuses, increased competition for remaining jobs will see workers having to accept jobs at lower wages, pay more in recruitment fees and be forced to work in more dangerous and exploitative workplaces.”, added Dr Channer.

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